Dear Spinning Planet

Eastern Tiger Swallow Tail feeding on Comfrey

Dear Spinning Planet,

Thanks for turning me upside down these couple of weeks. All in all, it’s good to go topsy-turvy now and then and look at the  nature of life from the flip side. It gives me an angle to see that I am only a small part of nature. I’m not alone in going upside down to find my provisions. Misery and providence, isn’t that the point Mr. Hugo wanted to make?

So my kid’s in jail and I won’t go her bail and she gets herself out soon enough – yet again. And it’s the blame game – yet again.

So 4 friends die or have memorials in as many days and I can’t get to all of them. I feel like a refugee trying to keep my balance as they all fall down.

So my van gets clobbered by a hit and run driver after one of the memorials.

So my old rescue dog gets attacked by a pack of 3 pit bulls and when I give her permission she clobbers them well enough to give a slight window of time so their owner can pull the lead dog away with many bites to his arms. And the gang follows the leader. We make our get away escaping the unrealized massacre.

So he apologizes lavishly yet denies that more than one dog was attacking and we will let the judge hear us and decide. And that’s a big disruption in my schedule. And it’s what a multitude of residents and dog owners ask me to go through. And I will.

And I discover I belong with a local, national, and international community  that supports me in more abundance than I would have felt had I not tumbled over in this short avalanche of unfortunate events.

Now, tell me, Spinning Planet, that you will relax for a while and steady the current just for me so I can regain my harmony and shift my attention to the butterflies who have arrived in my gardens and the mule deer in my back yard who gave birth to twins just here and now. I still have strength to peer through disorder and flow with nature. And I remember that I am only a small thing, all in all.

Very sincerely yours,



Central Bumble Bee on Comfrey
Mama mule deer with twins to the right of the pine trees


About Eastern Tiger Swallow Tail

About comfrey here and here

About bumble bees and other pollinators here and  here 

About mule deer





11 thoughts on “Dear Spinning Planet”

    1. Thank you Helen. So much has happened so fast I couldn’t write or make photos for a while. Then the butterflies came and I grabbed my camera and the metaphor just struck me.


    1. Thank you. I’m hanging. After a while I figured out to just wake up and see what happens next. I’m reminded how quickly things can happen and change and how small people are in the midst of life.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. It really has been a strange intense couple of weeks. Any one of the events is important but when they happen so rapidly, ya just get a different perspective on what is important. The swallowtail arrived here yesterday and the night hawks, too.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. It was a wonderful feeling to get the urge to grab my camera. I do have a different perspective today on life’s little complications and the beauty and wonder all around us to give us comfort.


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