Pecking Order

Crowded out of the nest, the usual sibling pecking order of fledglings, this little house wren found it’s first perch in the garden below. It surveyed its world outside the nest and later with a parent’s coaching, flew to refuge beneath a set of 4 large mullein, and then into the Elderberry bush to its new home. Three more fledglings left the nest a couple of days later. Or did this little birdy run away from the nest? Children have a way of knowing when to leave home whether by their own push or that of another. Hovering around Summer Solstice days, I just lost count of the new fledglings of many kinds of birds at our feeder. But I took all the new baby photos I could and you can see them in a future post.

wren 2 wren 3 wren 4

wren 1

4 thoughts on “Pecking Order”

    1. Thanks. The siblings that came out of the nest a few days later did not have the fluff above their eyes so maybe this first one wasn’t quite ready or maybe the others picked each other’s off. I’m curious.

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