road gate and sign

Frank’s Place

sepia tone abandoned house

Frank’s place

Home was never for you

your too many wives

your too many sons.

You lived

on bacon

and beans

and beer.

Modest shack called home,

called Bear’s Den,

Bear Cat Proprietor.

Even your ghost cannot rest

on that old chair.

road gate and sign

This post is my response to the 2015 March Photo-a-Day challenge/course prompt: home. And since I took the poetry 101 challenge the last 2 weeks of Feb,,  but didn’t post many poems, I wrote a poem for today’s photo. Last weekend I participated in a writers workshop to learn more about Ekphrastic writing. That means the writing is inspired by or related to an art piece, be it visual, music, performance, architecture or other art forms. Truly, this is my neighbor’s place, or his ghost’s place. He died several years ago and his family only camps here once a year to hunt nearby. Look behind the yellow caution sign and you’ll see my place up the hill, adjoining Frank’s. I adjusted the photo in Photoshop CS4 to a black and white image, added noise and tint to make it look like an old photo or newspaper clipping. I made the photo in late Feb.. To participate in the March Photo 101 course and challenge click here.. You can read a dark flash fiction story about Frank’s outhouse here..

13 thoughts on “Frank’s Place”

  1. I like the photo. And I like the poem! Are you going to do this everyday? Write a poem, too? And here I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to post just a photo every day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m going to try to write something about the photo each day. I’m going to a horror writers workshop in Transylvania this summer so I need to get familiar with dark writing. That’s why I put the ghost in this poem.


  2. I thought how nice it must have been to sit in that chair and catch the sun. How ahead of his time the guy was as now the ‘small house” craze grows.
    Great photo.


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