About me

Editing on a sky blue day.

About me

I am one of those people who look deeply into our world, the places, and folk, and events I encounter. Living in the Pacific Northwest has inspired me to write, teach, and make art about how things are here, or how I see them, the way they could be. Most of my expression is in photography and writing. Creativity and nature are at the heart of almost everything I do. My studio is full of projects in progress and objects waiting for me to explore. Fabric, paint, bones, beads, boxes . . . Occasionally I play violin, piano, and drums.

I have lived mostly on Washington’s North Olympic Peninsula and in Idaho’s Rocky Mountains. I love the outdoors! I hike, kayak, bike, ski, and garden. Currently I spend most of my time in the Rockies.

I teach writing and literature, art, humanities, drama, and environmental education. I am an artist in residence for local schools, teaching theater arts. This fall I will direct a children’s theater production. I’ve worked in public schools and marine science centers and Olympic National Park, and shipboard on the Strait of Juan de Fuca. My masters degree is Arts in Education from Lesley University.

My writing is influenced by plenty of experiences, but mainly by my Uncle Clarence. We began sending each other letters and post cards when I was 12. If only I could express ideas as concisely as he. Can I create images for you as you read my pieces? Please comment about that. Listening and observing are key to developing stories and voice. I learned storytelling in my work on the Pacific coast.

I work by contract and commission. I have published photographs, feature articles, field guides, curriculum guides, and information materials. Fiction and creative nonfiction tug at me. You’ll see some of it developing in my blog.

About this blog

This blog shows some of my writing and art samples. It’s a place for me to continue writing and teaching, especially about nature and people and places worth meeting. If you like storytelling and poetry with illustrations, this is a place to watch as I turn entries from more than 45 journals into, well wait and see. We’ll both be surprised.

Your feedback helps me become the writer and artist, indeed the person, I want to be. Please leave comments. I want to connect with my readers, and fellow writers, artists, and teachers. I want to connect with you.

Happy Trails!



22 thoughts on “About me”

    1. Thanks, Laurie. If you know about Dr. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory, I certainly fit the natural/spiritual kind of smart, above the other types. Everything is better when I am in nature. Your blog shows that so many people feel the same way.


    1. Dune Mouse, thanks for you comments. I use my surroundings in my stories. I have written much more information pieces than fiction. It’s fun to try out fiction writing. Thanks for following me. I follow you; you’re so inspiring. Love the music and photos that enhance your stories.


    1. Thank you, Doug. I’m going on a trip and will be staying at a place that has no internet so I’ll have to go to town to access my blog. I’ll look into your challenge, but might not participate for a couple of weeks. And I really have to get serious about writing some things to send ahead of time for my horror writers workshop this summer.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I loved writing for a small weekly paper, feature stories about lots of different things. I miss it so blogging is keeping me interested. I couldn’t keep to a narrow main topic like cooking so I put it all in. I already have the Leibster award, last year. Not sure I should do it again. I’ll look into it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is up to you! I’ve been nominated three times now, and have participated each time. Part of the fun for me is coming across new -to-me interesting blogs, plus as a fairly new blogger this gives me a chance to practice some of the technical tricks I am working on mastering.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi ^_^ Happy new year. Last year you re-blogged a poem of mine on this page when I still went by Rose Red.

    Try a metapoem

    I have included that poem in a collection I submitted for publication and have removed it from that page. I wanted to let you know so you could rearrange your page and not have a dead link.

    That meant so much to me that day you shared it. Thank you again.


    1. Awesome! Please let me know when the publication comes out. I have so enjoyed reading your work and following your progress. Keep it up, you’re rolling. I deleted that link but I copied your poem into my post. Would you like me to delete the poem? I think it would be useful publicity for you if I keep the poem and when you’ve published your collection I could repost this and talk a little about your publication and link to where readers can buy it. Let me know what you’d like.


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Life, landscape, and lore in Idaho Rockies and on Washington's North Olympic Peninsula