
“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.”

“As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.”

“What’s happened to me,’ he thought. It was no dream.”
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

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I photographed these insects in the Butterfly Garden at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle using my Canon PowersShot A530 digital point and shoot camera, no flash, hand held. One of the shots of the mating butterflies was made by my tall grandson. You might notice the difference in perspectives between his hight and mine.

The collection is wonderful to reflect on. Some butterflies are tattered, so much like our lives over time, quicker for some than others. These metamorphs lend themselves to metaphors and haiku. I’ll add it to my writing projects.

This is day 3 for me in the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge. In the challenge we’re asked to post daily for five days a photo and some writing that relate to each other, and to nominate another blogger for the challenge. You can read more about the challenge and see my first two days’ posts and nominations and Anyone can take the challenge, no need to be nominated if you want to join. Today I nominate Marcy Erb at for the challenge. She posts illustrations and related poems so this challenge should fit right in with her style.