pebble mosaic

waymarker croppedOutside the Pompeii exhibit at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, we came upon this pebble mosaic. Titled “Men come and go like the waves of the sea”, it was created by based on a portion of Chief Seattle’s famous Though the authenticity of the speech is, the intent is sound and haunting.

I looked for information about this stone mural and found that it’s  a noted waymark.  Waymarking is something like geocaching, or constructing cairns to mark your way or to celebrate a location. It depends on locating by latitude and longitude, which you can do with a hand held GPS or with a zip code on line . It looks like fun and there maybe way more waymarks in places I’ve been or where I regularly visit. You can learn about waymarking FAQ about waymarks  and

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The artist in me couldn’t leave this art technique alone. I looked for more samples by the Jean Louise Johanson and found none on line. And of course I looked for instructions for crafting my own pebble mosaic designs with river stones and found objects. I got this! In summer I’m in the river almost every day, I could just bring home more stones in small amounts after each dip. Better yet to get a passel of my grandkids together and make a gathering and designing party. My new garden begs for paths and stepping stones. If you want to see amazing stone mosaics around the world and get construction instructions, look  My way is to start with a small manageable project, one that is portable and not overwhelming to complete.

Today marks my 4th post in the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge. I just post a photo and story, or any sort of writing, every day for 5 days and nominate another blogger each day to participate. Anyone can join, you don’t need an invitation. Find out more about how to join the ChalIenge in any of my 3 previous posts, linked below. Today I nominate to participate in the Challenge. Time is not of the essence in this Challenge until you start your first day. I was nominate by the night before I left on vacation and I didn’t start my Challenge until a few weeks later. My first 3 day’s posts are, and

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